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mess hall 〔美國〕食堂。

mess jacket

The mess hall advocates the implementation of “ 5r “ field management ( regular arrangement , regular tidiness , regular cleanness , regular normalization and regular improvement ) , which is related to dietetic hygiene and food safety , economy and profit , the amelioration of working conditions and the stimulation of cooking staff ' s enthusiasm 摘要軍隊食堂推行以“勤安排、勤整理、勤清潔、勤規范、勤改進”的“五勤( 5r ) ”現場管理,該管理模式關系到飲食衛生和安全,關系到節約與效益,關系到工作環境的改善,調動了軍隊炊管人員的工作積極性和主動性。

In the mess hall of the siemens headquarters in munich , germany , we had to use cash to buy our lunch , which baffled me ' coz i didn ' t take enough cash with me when going abroad 在德國慕尼黑的西門子總部的餐廳用餐,得用現金買飯菜,這可讓我有點為難,因為我出國時沒有足夠多的現金。

In order to facilitate the overseas student to live , according to theirs different diet custom , alone opens the special mess hall , transforms the high standard the student ' s dormitory 為方便外國學生生活,根據他們的不同飲食習慣,單獨開設小灶,改造高標準的學生宿舍。

I ve had the honor of meeting our servicemen and women at many posts , from the deck of a carrier in the pacific to a mess hall in baghdad 從太平洋上航空母艦的甲板上到巴格達的軍人食堂,我很榮幸地在許多場合見到我們的男女軍人。

I ' ve had the honor of meeting our servicemen and women at many posts , from the deck of a carrier in the pacific to a mess hall in baghdad 從太平洋上航空母艦的甲板上到巴格達的軍人食堂,我很榮幸地在許多場合見到我們的男女軍人。

In case the workers and staff of party b have dinner in party a ' s mess hall , meal cost is settled and paid monthly to the mess hall ' s standard 乙方在合同期內員工可在甲方食堂用餐,伙食費按甲方食堂標準收取,每月結算一次。

The troops had been told only that they were gathered for thanksgiving dinner with a vip guest in the mess hall at baghdad international airport 在巴格達國際機場大餐廳里,美國士兵被告知這次感恩節餐會上會有位大人物。

The study of relationship between food hygienic condition and management pattern of school mess halls in jinan 濟南市學校食堂經營方式與食品衛生狀況關系的分析

So hearing the bell ringing at the end of the class , i started my hundredmeter dash toward the mess hall 我聽見了,嚇得就往外跑,我是最怕蟲子了。

Mess hall a building or room used for serving and eating meals , as on an army post 餐廳用來供應膳食和用膳的房屋或廳室,如在軍隊駐地中。

A mess hall 集體用膳食堂

Yeah . i mean , how would you put it to her ifyou bumped into her in the mess hall or somewhere ? 你意思是說沒有機會找個機會?

A historical study on the rise and fall of the rural public mess hall during the 時期農村公共食堂興衰之歷史考察及其啟示

Superintendent andrews wants a meeting . mess hall , right away , people 指揮官安德魯將要開一個會.食堂,立刻,所有人

We have some carving knives in the abattoir . a few more in the mess hall 我們有一些刀子在屠宰場.也有一些在食堂

Hey , wait . this is the mess hall 嘿,等等,這是食堂

Characteristic of iso22000 and its application in school mess halls 22000標準與學校食堂食品安全體系的建立

- let ' s all report to the mess hall 讓所有人到食堂報到

That leads from the mess hall to the infirmary 這個通道是食堂到體療室